
Landing pages - a brilliant tool

Landing pages are typically dedicated to just one product or service. A landing page is a brilliant tool for reaching customers you would not otherwise be able to reach. This site you are reading is an excellent example of a landing page.

This site and this text will provide us with customers we would not be able to get without it. Landing pages come in all shapes and sizes – and colors. With this one here, we have chosen a very simple solution.


Reach more customers

It is no longer enough to have a general website for your business. And this we were at Twentyfour can help.

We have years of experience developing landing pages – from simple ones (like this one) to large and complex ones.

Landing pages like this one are a fairly simple, secure, and efficient tool. The landing page is developed and put online. And then, all you have to do is wait – and new customers will find you.


Success for 'Lederne' – landing pages work!

We developed a dedicated landing page for the trade union Lederne’s yearly Management conference, ‘Management Day’ or in Danish ‘Ledernes Dag’. With this landing page, Lederne welcomed clients who, in all probability, would never have found them. A landing page is a one-time payment that will keep on giving.

We are equipped to develop your new landing page, whether you prefer developing in JavaScript, PHP, C++, WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, or something else.


No landing page without bullet points

Visitors on a site tend to go towards bullet points – so be sure to include them!

In short, landing pages are:

  • A sales site for 1-2 products/services.
  • Reaches the customers you would not otherwise reach.
  • One-time payment with a quick payoff!

Passive income and guaranteed ROI

Increase sales through great exposure

A good way to use landing pages is the way we use them here at Twentyfour.

At Twentyfour, we are experts in landing pages and have developed dedicated pages for approximately all coding languages, CMSs, and our products and services. This makes it easier to attract customers who have very specific wishes. Such as a client searching for a Drupal developer or a WordPress developer.

It is a one-time payment per product/service landing page, automatically generating leads. It is an investment with a quick payoff – and a solution we are very fond of.

Landing pages are an incredible way to attain leads and sales. For this reason, your landing page should be visible to as many potential customers as possible. It has to be easy to find so that your customers do not find themselves in the same position as Arthur from Hitchhiker’s Guide:


“Yes,” said Arthur, “yes I did [see the notice]. It was on display in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying ‘Beware of the Leopard.”

Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy  

Passive income and guaranteed ROI

A good way to use landing pages is the way we use them here at Twentyfour.

At Twentyfour, we are experts in landing pages and have developed dedicated pages for approximately all coding languages, CMSs, and our products and services. This makes it easier to attract customers who have very specific wishes. Such as a client searching for a Drupal developer or a WordPress developer.

It is a one-time payment per product/service landing page, automatically generating leads. It is an investment with a quick payoff – and a solution we are very fond of.

Increase sales through great exposure

Landing pages are an incredible way to attain leads and sales. For this reason, your landing page should be visible to as many potential customers as possible. It has to be easy to find so that your customers do not find themselves in the same position as Arthur from Hitchhiker’s Guide:


“Yes,” said Arthur, “yes I did [see the notice]. It was on display in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying ‘Beware of the Leopard.”

Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy  


Better SEO increases your success

A landing page only works if your customers can find it. Therefore, SEO is essential for your website to get more traffic and, thus, get more customers. Our team puts all its talent and effort into delivering the best and most efficient SEO results.

When thinking of SEO improvement, loading time should be on top of your mind.

With our team in your corner, you can be sure that your landing page will be relevant, fast, and accessible to almost anyone interested in your product/service. This is also why we at Twentyfour emphasized a complete overview and insights over our and our customers’ SEO and Google Ads.