Cases - CMS-based website

Brand new user-friendly website with a modern design and layout incorporating several intuitive functions for the members - but also for the staff. The website focuses on security in all aspects: From the log-in action, to signing significant documents and safe transfer of data

Centralforeningen for Stampersonel (CS) is the Danish Defense’s largest union for civilian and military personnel. With over 9,000 members, it handles its members’ rights in various branches: Army, Air Force, National Emergency Management Agency, etc.

Its value proposition is to carry out the professional interests of its members, including wages and social aspects, employment, education, and their working environment. CS assures that the conditions for the previously mentioned aspects are following the agreements members have with the Danish Defense.

CS’s business goals concern getting its customers the best terms and working conditions. The union’s purpose is to contribute and ensure that The Danish Defense treats its members accordingly by acknowledging their rights and strengthening the community.

As one of the best unions for military personnel, CS felt like its website had to rise to its customers’ standards. It was in need of a new design and layout, it needed better safety measures, and also, it lacked advanced search, e-signature function, and a page focusing on pensions. Overall, the goal was to have a website that offers a better user experience. The focus of the new professional website is to accommodate and establish a future-proof digital solution in a more profound way than CS ‘previous website.

Therefore, Centralforeningen For Stampersonel approached Twentyfour and used our help to fulfill its business goals through a new professional website and a subsite based on pension funds. Twentyfour will connect the digital platforms CS uses and create a user-friendly solution that will ensure that CS will continue to be Danish military personnel’s preferred union.

The main task was to create a new professional website with several vital features for a better customer experience

But also to create a seamless workflow for CS employees. As a secondary task, a subsite for pension funds was created with the same layout, design, and features as the main CS website.

The project started with an RSP (Requirement Specification Project), which consists of a workshop with CS and Twentyfour. The workshop is a physical meeting, and its purpose is to get an overview of all the page types, their individual functionalities, and their design and responsiveness. The RSP takes place at the beginning of the process so that Twentyfour can operate efficiently, save time, and reduce costs. It also gives Twentyfour better insights into the project and ensures that the solution is aligned with CS ‘values ​​and visions.

The next phase is a second workshop with Twentyfour and an ERP agency, a third-party providing e-signature and logic for the project. The purpose of the meeting is to coordinate and discuss the APIs (Application Programming Interface) and general expectations.

The process continues with the implementation phase, which is the website’s coding part and the CMS’s designing process (Content Management System). This is done in an efficient way since all the developers follow the same RSP document. 

RSP also contains the goals of the project, which were the following:

  • New and improved design and layout of the website.
  • Advanced search function.
  • Q&A page with self-service.
  • Integration of CS ‘TR Handbook (a ‘manual’ ‘containing additional information on the members).
  • Contact page with chat area where you can now attach files to your messages.
  • The functionality of pages for SoMe sharing.
  •  Secure login with NemID for members.
  • A page containing members’ agreements with CS.
  • E-signature implementation for members’ documents.
  • Members’ customization in the login section.
  • CS Pension website with a similar layout.

Besøg Centralforeningen for Stampersonel here!

Backend of Website
DevOpS Tools
Other Technologies
Maintenance, SSL certificate, Security package, CMS, e-signature, KOEBT, advanced search
CS PensionsFond
114.258 lines
Dominik, Babis

The project

Twentyfour chose WordPress to construct the two new professional websites; the CS main website and CS PensionsFond. As the goal of this project was to address CS members, WordPress was the obvious choice due to its user-friendly layout that makes it easier for CS to add and manage the content on the websites. The layout is simple, and the design is appealing, leading to a better user experience.

For the e-signature function, Twentyfour partnered up with ERP Agency so that the members can sign relevant documents on CS’ website. For Twentyfour to build the integrations correctly, ERP Agency also investigated some data concerns, such as type of data transferred, place of transfer, sync of data, updated data, and deleted data.

The search function was advanced with auto-completion to help CS members and its staff find topics fast and intuitively on the websites. This means that the function is more complex than the search function within WordPress, allowing users to search specific categories or across categories. Basically, all the content inside the websites is now searchable. Also, the advanced search function comes with various suggestions for auto-complete and allows users to search with two typos in the query and still find what they are looking for.

Security is an important aspect for CS regarding their members’ data, classified documents, and privacy. These problems are covered with a secure login with NemID for members, ensuring the highest level of security.

The result

Twentyfour delivered two new professional websites so that CS can achieve its business goals and keep its title as the most preferred union among the Danish military personnel.

The integration of all the systems mentioned previously will be made through KOEBT, Twentyfour’s integration platform. Using KOEBT, CS ensures accuracy, minimal human errors, and cost reductions. . KOEBT also delivers the following: Ongoing support, low technical risk, easy to add on new integrations in the future, and fewer unknowns.

The websites are responsive on Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Safari and on mobile devices with iOS version +8.0 and Android +5.0.

Other standard functionalities implemented by Twentyfour include:

  • The standard setup of cookie policy acceptance.
  • 404 pages (handling incorrect URLs).
  • Favicon (the icon that represents the websites).
  • Basic data collection via Google Analytics.

The project was successful with Twentyfour’s know-how and dedicated team, ERP Agency’s partnership for e-signature, and with CS ‘support and guidance.
