Memories with HTML24
In continuation of our previous blog about the World Wide Web (WWW) turning 30, we bring a new and more personal blog revolving the same topic. This blog is about HTML24’s staff and their first and most unforgettable memories with the internet and WWW.
With an average age under 30 years in HTML24, most of us were children or barely born back in 1991, when the WWW first saw the light of day. By the start of the internet most if not all were born several decades after, if we talk when the internet originated.
The first memory
We asked our head of account management, Rasmus Aagaard, about some of his first memories with the internet. One of the first things he mentioned was the dial-up sound of the Internet:
“The funniest thing was that when a call was made, it sounded like ‘ih oh ih oh’ from the modem. So if you were on the phone, you could be able to hear the connection sound when someone was online.”
The sound that haunted everyone’s earliest internet memories. Fortunately, it’s a relic of the past, due to super fast connections and DSL.
Below you can listen to the haunting sound if you dare!
Video or
Rasmus Aagaard also talks about when he was little and had to share internet time with his brothers. They only got 30 minutes each, which was a struggle when it took 8 minutes just to connect to the internet. He says the following:
“It might be a bit old Nordic. It goes all the way back from where there was ISDN and ADSL modems. That was the time when you made the connection and you couldn’t be on the phone at the same time. So if there were some who called, they were thrown off the internet or the call didn’t go through.”
Fortunately, during the first years there was double connection which solved the previous problem.
Rasmus also talks about school back then:
“I wrote everything by hand back then, in the old days of the internet. Funny how that has changed. Afterwards, they have started installing programs in the school that open up all sorts of things for students.”
One of our account managers had an unforgettable experience through Ofir chat. Today, dating apps and websites are part of most young people’s daily lives. Back in the ’90s, few people knew and used these services.
He got its first date in ‘97/98 through Ofir chat, which ended with an uncommon awkward cinema tour. “Our conversation did not go well throughout the date, but ended up getting together 2-3 months later,” he added.
The first shovels
HTML24 was founded in 2010, but was far from the first project that CEO Bo Møller embarked on. Behind him is a long line of projects and websites. You can see one of these websites below,, which was one of Bo Møller’s first projects.
HTML24 has not always carried the red banner. In 2010, the tab was blue, which you can see in the picture below, which shows what looked like at that time.
At you can easily and quickly find a wealth of older websites that are no longer in use or to find elsewhere. Eg. you can access the website from 1997, which you can navigate around.
Their website looked like this:
HTML24 in 2019
Today, we are now more focused on developing business-critical systems, websites, web apps and integration solutions for your business.
If you are looking for a reasonable solution, do not hesitate and give us a call. Otherwise, you can fill in the box below and we can have a non-binding conversation when you are ready.