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Hos HTML24 lægger vi vægt på, at vores medarbejdere ikke blot er eksperter i deres fag, eksempelvis udvikling, men desuden at vores medarbejdere har en dybdegående forretningsforståelse.
Vores (nu tidligere) udviklingschef Mikkel, har skrevet en fed artikel, om sine erfaringer fra militæret.
Som tidligere soldat ved MMT (middeltung mortér) sektion i Marinekompagniet, inkorporerer han elementer fra sin tid i militæret, til vores udviklingsafdeling. En mentalitet som er gældende, uanset hvilket fag du arbejder i.
Han skriver:
Every Employee a Businessman
In the US Marine Corps, they have an axiom “Every Marine a Rifleman”. To a Marine, this means that no matter what your Military Occupational Specialty ends up being, Logistics, Communication, Artillery or Explosive Ordinance Disposal, you are first a rifleman. There are no exceptions, no matter how good of an aircraft mechanic you are, if you can’t shoot a rifle and effectively engage the enemy, you are not a Marine.
This Is My Rifle
The interesting thing is that people intuitively understand why, when going to war the ability to successfully engage an enemy is important. Never the less there are countless examples of businesses who never coach their employees about business.
There are lots of managers who will tell themselves, or anyone who cares to listen, excuses for why they don’t feel that’s important, but if you think about it, running a business with people who don’t understand how your business works, is a lot like having expeditionary forces, who couldn’t effectively engage the enemy if their lives depended on it, or a sports team, where half the players don’t understand the rules of the game.
It’s interesting how we can easily picture the outcome of these scenarios. It’s the invasion of Iraq, Manchester United versus 21 random guys in a sports bar, it’s Daniel Negreanu vs. the guy who isn’t really sure if a flush beats a straight . It is the literal definition of a one sided battle. Which side would you rather be on? When you do your SWOT analysis is “Most of our employees don’t understand our market segment….. Læs resten af opslaget på Mikkels LinkedIn…