Photo credit: Mikal Schlosser
The national celebration of the 200th anniversary of H.C. Ørsted’s discovery of electromagnetism is a very special moment for Denmark, the modern world – and for Twentyfour (formerly HTML24).
HCØ2020; the national celebration of natural science and curiosity
The relationship between electricity and magnetism was one of the great discoveries, which made H.C. Ørsted recognized as one of Denmark’s leading natural scientists of his time.
How would our world have looked without H.C. Ørsted’s discovery? Would we have a smartphone today, year of 2020? Would we even focus on green energy in 2020?
We are probably never going to find out what the world would have looked like without the discovery of electromagnetism. But one thing is certain, we would not have been as technologically advanced as we are today if it wasn’t for the discovery of electromagnetism.
A future in the world of natural science
With Frederik, the Crown Prince of Denmark, Henrik Poulsen, CEO of Ørstad A/S, and a few selected ambassadors and role models participating, Denmark celebrated the opening of HCØ2020 event on the January 31st, 2020.
We are extremely pleased and honored that Mikkel Strunge, Partner & Head of Development at Twentyfour, has been appointed as a role model for HCØ2020.
Mikkel has a bachelor degree and a master degree in mathematics from the University of Copenhagen and when he was appointed as a role model for HCØ2020, he said:
“I am very honored to be named role model for HCØ2020 in the world of mathematics. Math has meant an incredible amount to me throughout my life. Therefore, I hope that I can inspire a lot of young people to choose an education in the STEM field; Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. ”
As a role model for HCØ2020, Mikkel will help inspire, exemplify and tell the youth about the project’s core messages. The focus is to shed light on an education within the STEM field, what it can lead to, and why working with technology and science is a fun occupation.